Following the example of my friend Stephen and his family blog, I installed Google Analytics for my blogs. I like it a LOT better than my old stat tracker website; it has much cooler tools and I'm not constantly being hit up to subscribe for their "professional" service. They have a nifty map feature...but I have to ask...
OK - so I feel like a giant nerd, and a bit self-serving, but I went ahead and made an Amazon Wish List. A few of my friends have them and I think they're a cute idea. 'nuf said.
Some big doin's going on for the New Haven branch of Clan McCullough - but nothing set in stone yet. I guess you'll have to keep waiting with baited breath until all plans have been laid so I can share. In the mean time, just keep your collective fingers crossed and all will be revealed in due time.
What I can tell you is that we're off to see Revolutionary Road this afternoon so I can see if I got cut or not. I'll let you all know...
Today is Adam's birthday - but he's back at school so we can't call him just yet. We're being patient until tonight when he'll be home to call. But just in case he checks this first:
So yes - today is very important. Yes, today will have the most photographed/recorded/documented event in human history. (Excuse the sarcasm as a literary me, I'm actually busting with excitement)
You know what else today is? Sammy's 1 year Anniversary of us adopting him from my friend Michele! (he's the one on the left)
We've been busy in New Haven this week with a ton going on. John and I were working on our first show together since 2006 when we came to New Haven (he as TD & I was in the cast). Rehearsals and work, and classes started in John's last semester of grad school.
What is it you ask? Well, here's some info from USITT's website:
This prize is awarded to a young designer or technician who has demonstrated excellence or outstanding potential as a scenic technician in areas such as stage engineering, shop management, scene painting, scenery or properties construction, and craft while pursuing a graduate degree. It was established in 1998 by Bernhard R. Works to honor the professional theatrical career of Frederick A. Buerki as a tribute to his enthusiasm and craftsmanship.'s a big deal. There was much happy dancing and parent calling. John will be receiving the award at the 2009 conference in Cincinnati in March. Needless to say, I'm very proud and have been telling John that non-stop since Friday (and driving him a little crazy).
As for me? Well, the show I was in, Funy As Hell, was my first musical since high school - and it was a LOT of fun >:D As you'd expect from an experimental theatre piece about hell, there were a few moments that the audience found questionable; but we enjoyed playing non-the-less. Good times. And it was nice to have so many people who've known me for years that didn't know I could sing or that pre-Yale I was actually an actor get to see me in something.
Below is the video from the Yale Cabaret's site of their interview with Russ, the lead actor and co-author of the show. He goes by the stage name Satori Circus and was a great time to work with.
This year we spent Christmas with the Kobran branch of the family - and one of my favorite things is Grandma Johanna's tradition of buying everyone matching PJ's and giving them out on Christmas Eve.