I'm clumsy like a baby figuring out how to walk... except my bones aren't made of rubber. So when I was shooting a short film on Friday where my 'good cop' character chases a bad guy over a roof and I caught my ankle on a big bump, it didn't just fix itself.
And that's right, you guessed it: I kept shooting. For another 2 hours. And then refused to take a cab home because I'm more-than-kind-of a jerk!
We're still not 100% sure what's wrong; all we know is there are no fractures (thank you Mr. X Ray). It's likely a bad sprain or a few small ligament tares. I thought these pics were both disgusting and interesting - so be sure to enjoy both of those key features.
These first 2 are about three hours after the injury after having walked on it much longer than I should've. Friday afternoon, approx 4pm:

I went to the ER Saturday morning when I woke up and couldn't walk, hence the X-ray. This is Saturday night approx. 8pm. Swelling is way down, but that lovely purple is blossoming nicely.

The ER docs were kind enough to give me a sexy splint & some crutches, which are helping quite a bit. This is Sunday around 4. The bruising's getting pretty nasty, even after 2 days of doing nothing but laying around. Ugh.